Saturday, May 15, 2010

HES HOME!!!!! He is HOME. HE IS HOME!!!!!!!!

My little David is HOME!!!!!!

Last week went quick, I was waiting to post until we knew for sure. But then before we knew it, he was on his way home. The air flow was completly out (i think i already mentioned that. Then wed the feeding tube came out, and he started eating all his bottles. Then the bed got lowered (leveled).
I had heard a few stories where they saud 'home on sunday' the sat night comes and there is another issue. So i held my breath, and didnt post. He was going to come home sunday...Tomorrow. But I got a call today. "Hi Debra, Its dr... calling. Giving you your daily call on Mr David, He is doing so great that we thought he could go home today. What do you think?" WHAT DO I THINK...I said, YES, YES, YES.... He is now home, and I can now breath!!!!

He is still so tiny, but has grown so much. He is up to 5 pounds 3 oz...Thats 2 pounds 4 oz above his birth weight. He is doing so well. He had his hearing test. PAST. Had his third and final cat scan (brain) and there are no concerns. He has one more eye exam in 2 weeks, but the first two showed that his progress is normal for his premie age (the eyes are still maturing, as they are one of the last origins to grow). He has a physical therapist spt in a few weeks as well. His legs (Knees) are a little tight, they are thinking he will out grow that as well. But we need to follow up (tight limbs were one of the concerns with the low fluid levels)

My nurses were awesome, Davids nurses were awesome. Both of our dr were awesome. And it is because of each one of them that David is alive!!!!! What a wonderful group of people. I have so much love for each of them, and I will miss them all.

I will be continuing to post, and share his story. Thank you for following us on this!!!!!

I have pics, I will post soon, I am tired...and going to cuddle with David!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw your siggy on DS and just read your story...little David truly is an amazing miracle! I'm so happy for you :)
