Thursday, May 20, 2010

What a big boy he is!!!

It has been 5 days since we left the hospital. And He is doing so wonderful! He has gained about 10 oz since then. Averaging about 2 oz per day!!!! He is now 5 pounds 13 oz....Its hard to believe he started out under 3 pounds. What a little munchkin.
I was going through my bags, and came across a "keepsake" diaper. Did you know pampers actually makes a diaper to fit a 3 pounder (and the nurses said they have smaller ones)! It was so tiny. I cant believe he was ever small enough to use that size. But sure enough he was. He is now DOUBLE his birth weight. AMAZING! Truly amazing!
The Dr had no concerns, and says he looks great. We go back in a week to keep a close eye on him, esp his weight. But everyone is happy with his growth and improvements!
We are all loving him home, Little Elizabeth (well she really was never little lol) is just loving him so much. Every time she seems me holding him, she runs to us with a giggle, and hugs him. Its just way to precious.
I need to run, but I will write more later!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

new pics up

Added some pictures to photobucket (link in profile)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

HES HOME!!!!! He is HOME. HE IS HOME!!!!!!!!

My little David is HOME!!!!!!

Last week went quick, I was waiting to post until we knew for sure. But then before we knew it, he was on his way home. The air flow was completly out (i think i already mentioned that. Then wed the feeding tube came out, and he started eating all his bottles. Then the bed got lowered (leveled).
I had heard a few stories where they saud 'home on sunday' the sat night comes and there is another issue. So i held my breath, and didnt post. He was going to come home sunday...Tomorrow. But I got a call today. "Hi Debra, Its dr... calling. Giving you your daily call on Mr David, He is doing so great that we thought he could go home today. What do you think?" WHAT DO I THINK...I said, YES, YES, YES.... He is now home, and I can now breath!!!!

He is still so tiny, but has grown so much. He is up to 5 pounds 3 oz...Thats 2 pounds 4 oz above his birth weight. He is doing so well. He had his hearing test. PAST. Had his third and final cat scan (brain) and there are no concerns. He has one more eye exam in 2 weeks, but the first two showed that his progress is normal for his premie age (the eyes are still maturing, as they are one of the last origins to grow). He has a physical therapist spt in a few weeks as well. His legs (Knees) are a little tight, they are thinking he will out grow that as well. But we need to follow up (tight limbs were one of the concerns with the low fluid levels)

My nurses were awesome, Davids nurses were awesome. Both of our dr were awesome. And it is because of each one of them that David is alive!!!!! What a wonderful group of people. I have so much love for each of them, and I will miss them all.

I will be continuing to post, and share his story. Thank you for following us on this!!!!!

I have pics, I will post soon, I am tired...and going to cuddle with David!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have been so busy. The better i feel the more work i do, and theless i time i have to come here.... (-: but busy is good

David is 4 pounds 13 oz!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is off his air flow, and drinks half his milk through bottles. He nurses when i am there (before his bottle) doesnt get much because i am still not making much. But we are still working on that. He still has his feeding tube for the other feedings, but they still think he can be home at 36 weeks (thats next week!!!) Might be one more week after that, but either way its soon!!!!

I will upload my newiest pics tomorrow..need sleep now (-:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I was thinking today.....

I never really shared the first 20 i edited the very first post, and shared the first half of this journey.....I did it so i would rememeber for David (and to share with you too), This has been one amazing journey. Long, hard, but also mixed with many blessing!

Wonderful day

David is 4 pounds 9 oz...He is getting to be a big boy. I had a very nice day with him. A very full, and very busy day. I got to give him a bath. He loved it, it was just too precious. You know how, after a long hard day. You get a hot bath going. And once your in. You just let out a big relaxing sigh, and your whole body is relaxed, and it is just a complete pleasure. Well I saw that in him. He looked so perfect, and was truly enjoying himself. It was the best bath I have ever given. I was torn between getting it on film, and just soaking in all in....Soaking it all in won. So no pics of bath time. But i think this is one bath I will never forget...I got to nurse him, give him a bottle and just cuddle. a perfect day at the nicu
I am really enjoying David, the time spent with him, and he wonderful personailty. Each day its just that much harder to leave him there, but soon, he will be home soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New pics and updates- and a little flash back

Well its Tuesday again, and my only "slow moving day". I will be home all day and see little David tonight.

Hes doing well. They are still saying home at 36 weeks (that's in 2 more weeks). Its funny how nervous I feel. I am a first time mom all over again. Everything is different with him. Even if my milk supply was enough he still can only nurse 2-3 times a day. Since he needs supplements, and needs schedule and measured feeds for now, he will be mostly bottle feed.

I am not sure if the full impact of all this has truly hit me, or if it ever will. I know how scary things were there (as i was living it) But my concern was doing what was right by David, so i didnt have time to be scared. I have comments like the following; from hubby to me "now that we know that you are going to be OK, and David isn't going to die, life is back to normal" (and it is for him- his wife and baby are both out of the woods for me tho life will not be back to normal for...i don't know, how long)

My drs and nurses frequently make these remark " well you were just so sick, everything is just going to take that much longer" and "Davids looking great....He sure was sick at the beginning" He was? I sit there thinking! lol denial...I am just kidden. Optomistic (always) denial (no chance) I remember the day he was born. And will never forget the dr expressions. His whole body, and expressions showed worry, and concern, it was one of the most painful moments and it made my momma heart sink (my heart cried, but we made it this far, he has to keep fighting). The morphine I am sure made it easier at the time (haha-but i am sure there is at least a minimal truth to that)..The dr said there were 3 steps to take with the lungs, and then thats it He did the first, not much improvement, the next- same, came to me after he started the third step, and said its a waiting game. Honestly I dont know HOW IN THE WORLD i held it together, HOURS later the dr came back in, with relief in his eyes and a smile on his face. At this point I knew David was going to be ok, and I think i breathed the first time in 9 weeks. From there he progressed fast, (big sigh of relief) So yes, he was really sick, and I was not in denial...just like not to dwell....Just get through it, the best I can. He looks great, and is perfect. PERIOD! But only time will tell if he has any life long difficulties...(does seem to but if he does, he is still perfect to me) So it is still 'one day at a time'.

OK, Now on to today, and the current. He is doing GREAT. He is just about 4 and 1/2 pounds. He is in an open bed (so he is regulating his own temp) He is up to 1.5 oz every 3 hours. Off oxygen, but still on some air flow, but being weaned from that. He nurses, and takes milk from a bottle every few feedings. But still has a way to go (but the nurses say 34 weeks is typically their big week, and this is the week they expect to see a huge change_ i cant imagine him being ready to come home it 2 weeks, but they say he should....he is 34 weeks today, so this is a big week for him)

New pics posted, he is a big boy (-;